NO. 408/MPP/KEP/10/1997




In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

Referred in this decree as:


Article 2

(1) Any company engaged in trading activities shall hold a permit in the trade sector.

(2) The permit as meant in paragraph (1) shall include:

Article 3

(1) The authority to issue the permit in the trade sector shall be in the hand of the Minister of Industry and Trade;

(2) The Minister of Industry and Trade shall delegate the authority as meant in paragraph (1) to

Article 4

TDUP or SIUP shall be issued on the basis of the domicile of the relevant company and shall apply to all areas across the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 5

TDUP or SIUP shall remain valid as long as the relevant company is still engaged in trade activities.

Article 6

(1) Any company engaged in trade activities with a total investment of up to Rp 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah) excluding land and buildings to conduct business activities, shall hold TDUP which functions as SIUP.

(2) Any company engaged in trade activities with a total investment of more than Rp 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah) excluding land and buildings to conduct business activities, shall hold SIUP.

(3) If any company has a total investment of Rp 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah) excluding land and buildings and/or has an annual sale of more than Rp 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) after obtaining TDUP, then the relevant company may replace TDUP with SIUP, if required.

Article 7

(1) Companies exempted from the obligation to obtain TDUP or SIUP shall be :

(2) The companies exempted from the obligation as meant in paragraph (1) shall be given TDUP or SIUP if required by the relevant companies.

Article 8

Any company that has already obtained TDUP or SIUP within a period of 3 (three) months starting from the issuance date of TDUP or SIUP shall register itself in the list of companies according to Law No. 3/1982 on the obligation to register companies.


Article 9

(1) The companies as meant in Article 6 paragraph (1) shall file a request for TDUP to the Head of KANDEP.

(2) The request for TDUP as meant in paragraph (1) shall be filed by submitting an application for TDUP to the Head of KANDEP, signed by the owner/manager, and contain the following matters :

Article 10

(1) The companies as meant in Article 6 paragraph (2) shall file an application for SIUP to the Head of KANWIL by filling out an application form (SP-SIUP) of model A.

(2) The companies as meant in Article 6 paragraph (3) shall file an application for SIUP to the Head of KANWIL by filling out an application form of model A and attaching TDUP to the application form with a copy addressed to the Head of KANDEP issuing the TDUP.

(3) If required by the relevant company, the request for SIUP as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) may be filed through KANDEP or the Industry and Trade Service in the pilot second level region (district) according to Government Regulation No. 8/1995, to be later distributed to KANWIL.

Article 11

(1) The application for TDUP or SIUP as meant in Articles 9 and 10 shall be complete with the following documents :

(2) If the applicant for TDUP or SIUP as meant in paragraph (1) has not yet obtained a business location permit (SITU) within a period of 15 (fifteen) working days starting from the date the application is filed to the regional administration, then the applicant for TDUP or SIUP shall only enclose a copy of the application as supplement to obtain TDUP or SIUP, and then TDUP or SIUP will be issued.

(3) If the applicant for TDUP or SIUP as meant paragraph (2) has already obtained a business location permit (SITU), the applicant for TDUP or SIUP shall submit a copy of the business location permit to the Head of KANDEP or KANWIL.

(4) The companies as meant in paragraph (1) that are not obliged to obtain a business location permit based on the Nuisance Act, shall not be obliged to enclose a statement of no business location permit issued by the relevant administration as meant in the Joint Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Trade and Cooperatives No. 92/1979 and No. 409/KPB/5/1979, and thus TDUP or SIUP may be issued.

Article 12

If the companies that are exempted from the obligation to obtain TDUP or SIUP as meant in Article 7 intend to obtain TDUP or SIUP, they may only file an application for TDUP or SIUP to the Head of KANDEP or the Head of KANWIL with the stipulation that:

Article 13

(1) No later than 6 (six) working days starting from the receipt of the application for TDUP or SIUP of model A as meant in Articles 9 and 10 in a complete and correct manner, the head of KANDEP shall issue TDUP using the form of model B and the head of KANWIL shall issue SIUP using the form of model C.

(2) If the form as meant in paragraph (1) is not yet filled out in a complete and correct manner, the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall, no later than 5 (five) working days starting from the receipt of the application for TDUP or SIUP of model A, postpone the issuance of TDUP or SIUP by informing in writing the relevant company about the postponement complete with the reasons for the postponement.

(3) The company as meant in paragraph (2) shall improve and fulfil the requirements no later than 5 (five) working days starting from the receipt date of the letter of postponement.

(4) If after the period of time as meant in paragraph (3) has passed the relevant company fails to meet the requirements as meant in paragraph (1), the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall reject the application for TDUP or SIUP.

(5) The company that has its application for TDUP or SIUP rejected, may file another application for TDUP or SIUP.

Article 14

(1) The company which holds TDUP and plans to open a branch office shall report in writing the plan to the head of KANDEP where the branch office is located with a copy addressed to the head of KANWIL.

(2) The company which holds SIUP and plans to open a branch office shall report in writing the plan to the head of KANWIL where the branch office is located with a copy addressed to the head of KANDEP.

(3) In submitting the written report as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) the company shall enclose the following documents to it:

(4) No later than 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the report and documents as meant in paragraph (3) in a complete and correct manner, the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall record/register it an the list of companies opening branch offices and put a signature, stamp on the copy of TDUP or SIUP of the company (the head office) evidencing that TDUP or SIUP also applies to the branch office.

Article 15

(1) A company appointed by another company as its representative shall hold TDUP or SIUP according to the business line and activity of the company it represents.

(2) TDUP of the company's representative as meant in paragraph (1) shall be issued and signed by the Head of KANDEP where the company's representative is domiciled.

(3) SIUP of the company's representative as meant in paragraph (1) shall be issued and signed by the head of KANWIL where the company's representative is domiciled.

(4) In obtaining TDUP or SIUP the company as meant in paragraph (1) shall enclose all documents as meant in Article 11 and the letter of appointment as the company's representative.

Article 16

If official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP is absent because of unavoidable thing for 5 (five) consecutive days, the relevant official shall appoint his/her subordinate to act for and on behalf of the relevant official in issuing TDUP or SIUP.


Article 17

(1) The company that has already obtained TDUP or SUP and makes changes as meant in Article 1 point 5, shall file a request for changes in TDUP or SIUP to the official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP no later than 5 (five) working days after the changes are made.

(2) The company that has already obtained TDUP or SIUP and make changes as meant in Article 1 point 5 as long as the changes are related to investment in which:

(3) No later than 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the changes as meant in paragraph (1) and (2) the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall issue TDUP using the form of model B or SIUP using the form of model C as attached to this decree.

(4) The changes in the company other than those as meant in Article 1 point 5 shall be reported in writing to the official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP without having to replace or change TDUP or SUP that has already been obtained.

(5) No later than 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the report on changes as meant in paragraph (4) the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall issue a letter of approval for the change in TDUP or SIUP using the form of model H which is an integral part of TDUP or SUP that has already been obtained.

Article 18

(1) If TDUP or SUP is missing or damaged so that it is unreadable, the company may apply in writing for another TDUP or SIUP as a substitute for the missing or damaged TDUP or SIUP to the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP to issue new TDUP or SIUP.

(2) The application for new TDUP or SUP as a substitute for the missing or damaged TDUP or SIUP as meant in paragraph (1) shall be filed by observing the following provisions:

(3) No later than 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the application for the replacement of TDUP or SIUP as meant in paragraph (2), the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL shall issue TDUP using the form of model B or SIUP using the form of model C.


Article 19

(1) The company as meant in Article 6 paragraph (1) that has already obtained TDUP shall submit a report to the head of KANDEP about its activities once every year no later than January 31 in the ensuing year.

(2) The company as meant in Article 6 paragraph (2) that has already obtained SIUP shall submit a report to the head of KANWIL about its activities twice a year, with the stipulation:

(3) The reports as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be submitted using the form of model D.

(4) The company holding TDUP which has an investment of less than Rp 5,000,000 (five million rupiah) excluding land and buildings shall be exempted from the obligation to submit a report.

Article 20

Any company which no longer conduct trade activities or closes its business shall report to the head of KANDEP or the head of KANWIL by returning the origin of TDUP or SIUP.


Article 21

Based on Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 227/MPP/Kep/7/1997 on the improvement of Decree of the Minister of Trade and Cooperatives No. 04/Kp/1/1980 on classification of businesses, surety and administrative fees of company, the surety and administrative fees to obtain TDUP or SIUP are set at Rp 0 (nil rupiah).

Article 22

The companies that have already obtained TDUP or SIUP shall be banned from being engaged in future commodity trading, except if they fulfil the specified requirements to engage in such business according to the existing regulation.


Article 23

(1) The companies will be given written warnings if :

(2) The written warnings as meant in paragraph (1) shall be three times issued with an interval of 1 (one) month by the official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP by using the form of model E.

Article 24

(1) The TDUP or SIUP of companies shall be frozen, if the companies

(2) During the TDUP or SIUP of companies are frozen, the companies are banned from conducting trade activities.

(3) The freezing of TDUP or SIUP as meant in paragraph (1) letter a shall cover a period of 6 (six) months starting from the issuance date of a decision on the freezing of TDUP or SIUP.

(4) The freezing of TDUP or SIUP of companies as meant in paragraph (1) letter b shall continue until the court body issues a decision with irrevocable legal power.

(5) The freezing of TDUP or SIUP shall be done by the official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP by using the form of model F.

(6) TDUP or SIUP that has already been frozen may be reactivated, if the relevant companies :

Article 25

(1) TDUP or SIUP may be revoked if :

(2) The revocation of TDUP or SIUP shall be done by the official authorized to issue TDUP or SIUP by using the form of model G.

Article 26

(1) In connection with the revocation of TDUP by the head of KANDEP, the relevant companies may appeal to the head of KANWIL against the revocation of TDUP no later than 30 (thirty) days starting from the issuance date of the decision on the revocation of TDUP.

(2) In connection with the revocation of SIUP by the head of KANWIL, the relevant companies may appeal to the Director General of Domestic Trade against the revocation of SIUP no later than 30 (thirty) working days starting the issuance date of the decision on the revocation of SIUP.

(3) The officials as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) may accept or reject the appeal in writing complete with the reasons for acceptance or rejection no later than 30 (thirty) working days after the receipt of the appeal.

Article 27

Violations of Article 2, Article 8, Article 15 paragraph (1) and Article 22 shall lead to the imposition of criminal sanctions according to the existing law.


Article 28

Small-scale SIUP, medium-scale SIUP and large-scale SIUP that have been obtained by companies before the stipulation of this decree shall remain valid with the stipulation that :

Article 29

The companies which file an application for small-scale SIUP, medium-scale SIUP and large-scale SIUP which are still under process before the stipulation of this decree, shall file new application to the head of KANDEP to obtain TDUP or to the head of KANWIL to obtain SIUP according to this decree.


Article 30

With the stipulation of this decree, decree of the Minister of Trade No. 1458/MPP/Kep/XII/84 jo. No. 372/Kp/XI/1988 on SIUP, and its implementation regulations shall be declared null and void.

Article 31

The provisions on and the procedures for issuing TDUP at Industry and Trade Services in 26 (twenty six) pilot second level regions shall be based on this decree.

Article 32

This decree shall begin to take effect 3 (three) months after the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this decree shall be announced by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On October 31, 1997

Attachment (Lampiran)